
Mamma Andersson, Stephen Friedman Gallery, London

Mamma Andersson
Stephen Friedman Gallery, London
23 October - 23 November 2002

Stephen Friedman Gallery presents an exhibition of new paintings by Swedish artist Mamma Andersson. This is the artist's first solo exhibition in London.

Mamma Andersson's paintings of haunting landscapes, strange interiors and mysterious people are at once magical, ominous and compelling. Scandinavian trees such as birch, pine, aspen and spruce feature among Mamma Andersson's motifs together with animals, children, classrooms and libraries. In Mamma Andersson's paintings, adults look disorientated, interiors are disordered and the environments portrayed are unstable.

The manner in which paint is applied to Mamma Anderssons' canvases is both delicate and dramatic. Subtle throws of light reveal uncanny details while broad, dark brush strokes imply a more sinister setting. Mamma Andersson's paintings are loaded with symbols, historical references and allusions to local Swedish art and culture. Characters are often removed from their original contexts and are given new identities and meanings. Existing images from art history, popular culture and news photography are also recyclyed to form new narratives in her work. Steeped in Swedish colourist tradition, Mamma Andersson's paintings recall the fearful atmosphere of fairy tales and local folk legends.

Mamma Andersson has exhibited extensively in Sweden and was selected for the Carnegie Art Award which toured to Stockholm, Copenhagen, Oslo, Helsinki and Reykjavík in 2000-2001.

25-28 Old Burlington Street, London W1S 3AN