Nikon SU-4 Flash
The new Nikon SU-4 is a quick and portable solution for off-camera flash.
Nikon have just announced the SU-4 - a clever new device that allows greater flexibility for off-camera flash work and eliminates the need for cables which can be restricting. For example in portrait situations, the SU-4 can be placed behind a subject's head for much more professional results, without cables getting in the way.
The most impressive feature of the SU-4, is the new technology which allows it total communication with the flash on the camera. The SU-4 allows the flash unit off-camera to be set to TTL metering and still offer auto exposure, therefore setting a correct and accurate exposure.
The SU-4 can be used with any speedlight in the Nikon ranges and comes with a diffuser for built-in speedlights to create a soft, flattering flash illumination.
Available now, the SU-4 has the suggested retail price of £49.00.