
Book: Camera Lenses: From Box Camera to Digital, By Gregory Hallock Smith

Book about photography equipment: Camera Lenses history and technique  

Camera Lenses: From Box Camera to Digital, By Gregory Hallock Smith
SPIE Press, Bellingham WA, The International Society of Optical Engineering, 320 pages
Publishing date: April 2006 - Photo Courtesy SPIE Press

This book is an exploration and appreciation of cameras and their optics, covering all major lens types from the earliest to the most recent--including those roving the surface of Mars. A recurrent theme of this book is that lens types invented in the 19th century are just as useful in the 21st century. Another continuing theme is the impact of the digital revolution and the use of imaging in radically new circumstances. This book should be of interest to any who are curious and want to know more about the glass on the front of their cameras. (Publisher text)

Part A : Concepts and Techniques
Part B:  Lenses for Large-Format 4x5 Film Cameras
Part C:  Lenses for Small-Format 35 mm Film and Digital Cameras
Part D:  Special-Purpose Optics
Part E:  Timeline of Advances and Milestones

SPIE - Bellingham, Washington, USA
Publisher's website: www.spie.org where you can download free sample pdf pages