
1 Mira Madrid @ Art Brussels 2023 - Teresa Lanceta, Esther Ferrer, Hamish Fulton, Dan Perjovschi, Sanja Ivekovic

Teresa Lanceta, Esther Ferrer, Hamish Fulton, Dan Perjovschi, Sanja Ivekovic 
1 Mira Madrid 
Art Brussels 2023 
20 – 23 April 2023 

Teresa Lanceta
(Barcelona, Spain, 1951) 
Tapices Tapestry JUNIO, 2003 
Lana y algodón, 275 x 178 cm, Pieza única
Courtesy 1 Mira Madrid

At Art Brussels 2023, 1 Mira Madrid presents a markedly personal and dynamic project on the image and its multiple plastic representations. Establishing a link between her own artistic practice and the artists with whom she works –which are the ones that interest her as an artist–,Mira Bernabeu has articulated a gallery program in which she explores the use of the image as a formal and expressive resource in the contemporary creation. The proposals put forward by 1 Mira Madrid address controversial issues and seek to provide a meeting point in which to debate the context in which we live. The identity of the gallery is configured based on the selection of artists with whom it works. The works exhibited are not only loaded with a strong critical content, but also question pre-established and commonly accepted concepts.

1 Mira Madrid
Argumosa 16, bajo dcha, 28012 Madrid