
Camill Leberer @ Museum Ritter, Waldenbuch - From the Echo Chamber

Camill Leberer. From the Echo Chamber 
Museum Ritter, Waldenbuch 
14 May - 17 September 2023 

The sculptor Camill Leberer is a paradigm shifter whose work broadly recalls painting and yet, in its various casts, is always the result of reflections on the way light and space are perceived. What distinguishes his work is his principle use of elementary, constructive design methods, without however working every permutation through to the end. Instead, Camill Leberer combines rational methodology with gestural, painterly and light-reflecting means to create the dynamic visual systems that make his work so unmistakable. As a result, his sculptures, paintings and wall pieces in metal, glass and paint create a wonderfully ambivalent effect: they appear simultaneously rational yet improvised, balanced yet expressive, material yet immaterial, and unapproachable yet sensual and atmospheric. And viewers also receive a central role here: they are encouraged to move in front of these works, to walk around and finally to immerse themselves in an “imaginary action space” (Camill Leberer).

Camill Leberer has for many years been represented by the Marli Hoppe-Ritter Collection, which includes a number of his works. The exhibition, which is the result of close collaboration with the artist, places special emphasis on works that underline the geometric, rational aspect of his practice. A cubic “housing” made of glass, the shape of the square in his metal pictures, and a serial presentation of coloured sheets of sandpaper are all examples of this. The exhibition is complemented by a selection of works that present Camill Leberer as also a draughtsman, photographer and poet.

Sammlung Marli Hoppe-Ritter
Alfred Ritter Strasse 27, 71111 Waldenbuch