
Teresa Kutala Firmino @ Everard Read London - "Owners of the Earth IV" Exhibition

Teresa Kutala Firmino 
Owners of the Earth IV 
Everard Read London 
13 October - 4 November 2023 

Everard Read London presents an exhibition of new work by Johannesburg-based artist, TERESA KUTALA FIRMINO, with catalogue essay by architect and curator, Paula Nascimento.

This is Teresa Kutala Firmino's second solo presentation with Everard Read London, following solo exhibitions in South Africa and Berlin. Firmino's work was presented at the ARCO Lisboa art fair in 2022.

Teresa Kutala Firmino collects and curates textiles and images from magazines, newspapers, historical documents, and social media, and places them in surreal and tightly confined interiors, where the characters are free to re-enact their stories or construct new ones that challenge the accepted version of historical events. This process allows the artist to create alternative past, present and future narratives of Africa, thus rebuilding her own archive of African history.

Teresa Kutala Firmino’s seemingly playful and vibrant canvases are rich in symbolism and metaphor as they seek to explore the complex issues of identity and cultural heritage, gender violence and what it means to be a young, Black woman in the 21st century.

80 Fulham Road London, SW3 6HR