
Agfa Adds Features to :Arkitex Workflow Solution

IFRA 2005 > AGFA

Agfa Adds Powerful Features to :Arkitex Workflow Solution. New Capabilities Increase Productivity, Quality and Flexibility.

Agfa announced at Ifra 2005 the addition of powerful new features for :Arkitex, the world's number one selling newspaper workflow system. Fan-out adjustment, variable plate furniture, creep adjustment, hard proofing by content and automatic handling of multi-page PDFs are just some of :Arkitex's new capabilities.

:Arkitex is the most popular system because it simplifies workflow automation with advanced production planning techniques and because it is modular and scalable, allowing it to accommodate any size operation.
":Arkitex was developed to provide a flexible workflow management solution that can adjust to the needs of any newspaper. It was designed to be evolutionary so that Agfa can take advantage of the latest advances in technology to continually add new capabilities and to respond newspapers' changing needs. This new release of :Arkitex is a reflection of these goals," said Andy Grant, worldwide business manager for Agfa's newspaper workflow solutions.
The new features are available immediately. Agfa will upgrade :Arkitex users who are under warranty or who have a service contract. All other :Arkitex customers may purchase the upgrade.

New :Arkitex Capabilities.

Fan-out adjustment: 
To ensure best registration and consistent quality, fan-out adjustment allows user-defined page adjustment, per plate template and per colour. In a PS/PDF workflow, these adjustments can include page size scaling as well. Variable Plate Furniture: To increase control and flexibility, this feature allows the placement of furniture on the plate based on the colour contents of the pages. For example, colour marks will appear on the plate only if the first page or the second page on the plate are colour pages. Otherwise the colour marks will not appear on the plate. Other variables such as page number, high/low imposition, even/odd, can be used as well.

Creep Adjustment: 
Creep is when pages in the centre of a book stick out farther than the pages closer to the cover. Creep adjustment automatically positions the pages on the sheet so that after the bindery process the distance between the edge of the page and the edge of the sheet are more consistent.

Hard Proofing by Content: 
Users can automatically define their hard copy proofing needs based on page content, including Advertising or Editorial pages, colour or monochrome content, etc. For example, this allows users to automatically proof all pages with colour editorial or colour advertising.

Automation of Multi-Page PDF Files: 
Users can handle multiple PDF files with minimal intervention. The user merely identifies the pages in the PDF and the engine automatically splits the PDF into separate files. This is a perfect solution for those wanting to increase their productivity when doing commercial work.

Other features include enhanced imager feedback, enhanced messaging between systems, auto re-conversion from colour to monochrome, separation ordering in XML Workflows and more.