
Exhibition Flinders Petrie Shadow Pyramids at Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek, Copenhagen

In the Shadow of the Pyramids: 
Excavating with Flinders Petrie, the Father of Archaeology
Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek, Copenhagen
Through March 25, 2012

 flinders-petrie_photo_in_abydos Flinders Petrie at 69, in Abydos 1922
© Petrie Museum,  University College, London

The exhibition In the Shadow of the Pyramids tells the story of the English archaeologist and Egyptologist Flinders Petrie’s excavations in Egypt in the years before and after the First World War. Petrie, who lived from 1853 to1942, was the first to illustrate and write down details of his discoveries of everything from pottery and rusty nails to mummies and complete statues. His methods were imitated by other archaeologists and thus Petrie is called the “Father of Archaeology”.

egyptologyst_tine_bagh The Egyptologist Tine Bagh with a canopic jar belonging to a man named Iunefer from c. 1800 BC. The jar was found by Flinders Petrie in Hawara in Egypt 1911  Photo © Kim Nilsson

The exhibition “In the Shadow of the Pyramids” displays a number of tomb finds, fragments of statues and tomb and temple walls, which, through Flinders Petrie, came to the Glyptotek. Fresh knowledge and new links with other Petrie finds from, for instance, the British Museum and the Museum of Fine Arts Boston, are presented. Visitors have the opportunity to get close to Petrie and his discoveries. One hundred years on, Petrie’s finds have achieved new significance such as when a crown with feathers and horns proves to belong to an impressive statue of the crocodile god Sobek.

pyramid_hawara_egypt_ Pyramid and ruins of the temple called the Labyrinth in Hawara, Egypt. Photo: Janne Klerk, May 2011. Petrie excavated the Labyrinth in 1911 and found the canopic jar of Iunefer and the relief with at crocodile snout, c. 1800 BC. Photos: Kim Nilsson

 tomb_nefermaat_egypt The tomb of Nefermaat and his wife Atet in Meydum, Egypt. Photo: Janne Klerk, May 2011. Flinders Petrie excavated here in 1910 and found the relief with fowling etc. and the wall painting with Nefermaat with a leopard dress in Atet’s chapel, c. 2550 BC. Photos: Ole Haupt.

Petrie’s excavations were supported by various foundations and museums, particularly in Europe and the USA. For many years the Ny Carlsberg Foundation was one of Petrie’s most generous sponsors. After each excavation campaign Petrie distributed his finds according to clear agreements with the Egyptian state. First the Egyptian Museum in Cairo was allotted the unique finds; thereafter Petrie was permitted to divide up what remained among the various sponsors, according to the extent of their contributions. The Ny Carlsberg Foundation handed over its share of the finds to the Glyptotek. As a result, today, the museum holds over 200 of Petrie’s finest discoveries, some of which come from the ancient sites of Memphis, Meydum and Hawara.

meri-re-ha-ishtef Statuette of Meri-re-ha-ishtef. Excavations of Flinders Petrie 1921 in Sedment, Egypt. AEIN 1560, wood, H 65.5 cm. © Photo Ole Haupt, Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek.

cosmetic_spoon_egypt Cosmetic spoon. From the excavations of Flinders Petrie in Sedment, Egypt, 1921. AEIN 1559, wood, L 27 cm. © Photo Ole Haupt, Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek.

The exhibition is supported by Queen Margrethe’s and Prince Henrik’s Foundation, Oticon Foundation and Atlantis Rejser.

Dantes Plads 7, 1556 Copenhagen