
5th Art Book Triennial Martin 2025 @ Olomouc Museum of Art + After in Wrocław, Bratislava and Budapest - Artists and Artworks Highlights

5th Art Book Triennial Martin
Olomouc Museum of Art
27 February - 25 May 2025

After in Wrocław, Bratislava and Budapest

Martin Derner - Artist Book
Martin Derner
Schillers sammtliche Werke / 
Schiller‘s Complete Works, 2024
Kižní papír, rámované / Book paper, framed, 2024

Monika Aleksandrowicz - Artist Book
Monika Aleksandrowicz 
Fuzzy Sets – Palindrome, 2019/2024 
Tisk na plexisklo / Print on plexiglass

Maciej Jabłoński - Artist Book
Maciej Jabłoński
Contribution to the Talk of Freedom, 2023
Vlastní technika, knižní objekt / 
Own technique, book object

Maciej Linttner - Artist Book
Maciej Linttner 
Florenckie przenikania / Florentine Permeability, 2010–2024
Kombinovaná technika / Mixed media

Zuzana Šebelová  - Artist Book
Zuzana Šebelová 
Over Your Heads the Trees Will Grow, 2024
Papír, karton / Paper, cardboard

The author’s book as an important art form will be presented by the Olomouc Museum of Art in an exhibition that will have its premiere at the end of 2024 in Martin, Slovakia, at the 5th Triennial of the Art of the Book, co-organised by institutions from Olomouc, Wrocław, Bratislava and Budapest. Until 25 May 2025, visitors can see works by artists from the Central European region who bring a new perspective on the book as a medium and push the boundaries of visual art.
“Authors’ books are a unique combination and consonance of artistic, craft or technical disciplines with a personal creative language,” explains exhibition curator Gina Renotière.
The Olomouc Museum of Art has been involved in the regular international presentation of authors’ books at the Turčianska Gallery in Martina since the very beginning in 2015. The current fifth edition is an opportunity for artists to experiment with the spatial composition of the elements of the work and their incorporation into the installation in order to intensify the overall visual experience. The shape and visual variety of the exhibits is represented by a plethora of atypically created and invented jigsaw puzzles, loosely arranged leaf blocks, as well as spatial objects inspired by books by eighty artists from Slovakia, Hungary, Poland and the Czech Republic.

Lajos Sejben - Artist Book
Lajos Sejben 
„Remakes“ of World Literature (White Silence), 2023
Kombinovaná technika / Mixed media 

Ilona Simon - Artist Book
Ilona Simon
Instant Illusion, 2021–2023
Kombinovaná technika / Mixed media

Dóra Matyus - Artist Book
Dóra Matyus
Phonebook, 2023
Digitální kresba, průhledné fólie, ochranná skla na displej, magnety / 
Digital drawing, transparent foils, screen protector glasses, magnets

It probably comes as no surprise that paper remains the primary medium used to create an author’s book, but this is not a dogma. The exhibition features works made of wood, textile, metal, glass, plastic, silicone or concrete and their combinations. There are books as objects, books-installations, new media books but also books conceived in a performative or process approach.
“An important line in the concept of the Book Art Triennial is the integrated so-called touch library, in which the visitor and the reader in one person can leaf through book artifacts. This part of the show is addressed primarily to children, with the intention of contributing to the cultivation and shaping of their reading tastes,” adds Gina Renotière.
Zbigniew Sałaj - Artist Book
Zbigniew Sałaj
Drewutnia / Woodshed, 2010–2024
Tištěný papír, vlastní technika / Printed paper, own technique 

Xénia Hoffmeisterová - Artist Book
Xénia Hoffmeisterová
Záznamy / Entries, 2023
Kombinovaná technika / Mixed media 

After the Olomouc presentation, the project will move to the Book Art Museum in Łódź, Poland, and then to the Miskolc Gallery in Hungary.


The Olomouc Museum of Art owns one of the most important collections of artists’ books in the institutions of the former Czechoslovakia. An important impulse for its creation was an extraordinary acquisition in the second half of the 1990s, when, thanks to the cooperation with the Brno theoretician Jiří Valoch, the preparation of the exhibition “Between Tradition and Experiment” (1997) succeeded in concentrating on two dozen author’s books, mostly from the 1960s. Ladislav Daněk was the initiator of the establishment of a separate collection in 2000 and became its first curator.

The collection consists of a collection of works from the second half of the 20th century with an overlap to the present and was first presented at the exhibition “Leafing through Modern Book Culture in the Collections of the Olomouc Museum of Art” in 2009. 

CURATORS: Gina Renotière, Jarmila Kováčová
MAIN ORGANIZER: Turčianska Gallery in Martin
CO-ORGANISERS: Museum of Art Olomouc, Akademia Sztuk Pięknych im. Eugeniusz Geppert in Wrocław, Academy of Fine Arts in Bratislava, Magyar Műveszkonyvalkotok Tarsasaga (Society of Hungarian Art Book 

Also on view at Olomouc Museum of Art:

Denisova 47, 771 11, Olomouc