
Architecture photographs and drawings from the Galleria Civica di Modena, Italy

Galleria Civica di Modena, Italy
Through 26 January 2014 

Chrysler Building, N.Y, 1988
Raccolta della fotografia, Galleria civica di Modena
© Marilyn Bridges

The Galleria civica di Modena in Italy presents around 100 works, including paper-based drawings and (often Utopian) architectural projects, along with images of finished architecture as represented by the photographic medium. The exhibition was created entirely using materials to be found in the Gallery’s own collections. 

Studies of single buildings along with urban visions have been selected from the Gallery’s heritage so as to offer an overview of some of the most important representatives of contemporary architecture and its various interpretations by photographers from around the world. 

Puddle, New York, 1967
Raccolta della fotografia, Galleria civica di Modena
© Estate of André Kertész

The drawings (more than 80 works) include sheets by great 20th-century architects such as Carlo Aymonino, Andrea Branzi, Guido Canella, Paolo Portoghesi and Aldo Rossi, as well as figures bound in particular to the Emilian territory, such as Cesare Leonardi (7 unreleased works) and Tullio Zini, to whom two special sections of the exhibition are dedicated, further enhanced by recent donations. Furthermore, great space is also given over to the major Ico Parisi drawing set, from which sketches for three major architectural projects have been taken: 10 sheets from the series ‘I grattacieli’, preparatory studies for the façade of the Guggenheim Museum in Venice and for the town-planning project “Operazione Arcevia”.

Glimpses of the city or of single buildings are the subjects featured in the photographs from the Photography Collection: more than 40 works by a range of different authors, not all of whom dedicate their attention entirely to architecture. Along with the ‘specialists’, there are in fact photographers who address their images simply as an ‘everyday space’, setting up a dialogue and interpreting it from new points of view. 

Los Angeles, 1990
Raccolta della fotografia, Galleria civica di Modena
© Franco Fontana

Il cimitero di Modena, 1983
Raccolta della fotografia, Galleria civica di Modena
© Eredi Luigi Ghirri

The exhibition include shots by italian photographers Franco Fontana, Luigi Ghirri, Olivo Barbieri, Mimmo Jodice, the duo Andreoni-Fortugno, Marco Zanta, the architects Paolo Portoghesi and Ico Parisi. On the international side works by André Kertész, Marylin Bridges, Lewis Baltz, Reinhart Wolf, Naoya Hatakeyama and Jun Shiraoka are exhibited. 

The exhibition also feature the projection of 400 shots taken from the photographic census of the historic town centre of Modena commissioned from Paolo Monti in 1973, heritage of the Library of civic art and architecture "Luigi Poletti" in Modena. 

The exhibition is curated by Francesca Mora and Gabriella Roganti, promoted and organised by the Galleria civica di Modena and the Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Modena, with support from the Culture Councillorship of the Emilia-Romagna Regional Council.

Galleria Civica di Modena
Palazzina dei Giardini, corso Canalgrande, Modena, Italy